Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New Blog!

Soooo, I'm very new to this blogging business, and I must admit that I turned my nose up at it at first. Now? I find myself addicted to my friend's blogs! It just seems like fun and what a great way to keep up with everyone. (Or if we want to be honest, what a great way to be a snoop! Hee hee) Please be patient with me as I try to figure all this out and if you have any advice, feel free to share it. So welcome to my new journal!

Here's my family as of December. Ryan, my husband, the Daddy. Me, Meesh, and obviously the momma! Elijah, our first son, is the one flying. Hendrix hasn't made his debut quite yet, but is evidenced by the rather large bump in my tummy area. His due date is March 10, 2009, but I'm hoping he'll come in the next couple weeks.

Ryan is our bread-winner, and boy do we love him for all of his hard work! Due to his diligent efforts in the money making area, I can stay home with our child(ren)! He works for a large risk management company, which I'll refrain from naming because I'm sure I'll vent about them on here, and he's the worship leader at Marshall Ford Fellowship church. Elijah is my full-time job and sweetheart of boy...except when he practices for those 2s. Lord, help me!

One of Elijah's new big things is finding the Moon. "Moo! Moo!" accompanied with pointing in an upward direction usually tips us off that he has either found the moon or wants to go look for it!

He'll wake up in the morning and I'll hear him over the monitor babbling about feeding the cat or dog. Too cute! After our morning routine, he'll run into our bedroom saying "Daw! Bites!". Translation - "I want to give Rolf, the dog, a doggie treat!". Then he'll run into the dining room to the cat food bin saying, "Meow, Meow! Bites!". After explaining to him (again) that we feed Sasha in the evenings, he'll normally insist again with, "Sha Shash! Bites!".

And, you just think we're done. ;) After breakfast, it's "Ish! Ish! Bites!" and we then feed the fish. My day in a nutshell.

I'm so proud of my little man, too, because he has discovered the potty. He's doing pretty well with it at 21 months of age, too! I went out and got him a Froggy Potty shortly after he started excitedly running into the bathroom saying "Pee!" and tugging on his pants. He's successfully used his big-boy potty around 5 times now! Grandma Mary Liz has jumped on the band wagon and added a big-boy potty to her house, too. That one plays music when you pee in it. The first time it went off, his eyes got a little big, but then he started bouncing up and down. It was a hit! We've been at it for a few weeks now and he's still as interested as ever! Yay! It would be great to not have 2 in diapers at the same time for long! God, please be merciful!

I'm 37 weeks pregnant. For those who aren't familiar with baby speak, a pregnancy is based on a 40 week period. So, I'm HUGE and almost to the finish line. Definitely waddling and groaning everytime I stand up or get up off the floor.

It's funny the things that become important to you in the last gasps of your pregnancy. Sugar. My main things are sweet tea and ice cream. Not together. Mmmm. Cleaning the study. It could end up being Hendrix's room, so I think about that room constantly. Getting our vehicles up-to-date on stickers and maintences. I'm sure there are others.

Ok. It's late. I should at least attempt to get some sleep tonight. :)


Angie said...

I love love love it!!

Stacy said...

Y'all must have the most patient cat in the world!