Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day #2

My poor poor sweet baby boy has a horrendous rash! Ick! Ryan noticed it last night when he was giving him his bath. So off to the doctor's office we went this afternoon! His Pediatrician ruled that it looked like a viral thing. The rash usually comes after the fever. Luckily, Elijah hasn't been sick in months and months and doesn't act like he's getting sick now. He doesn't even seem to notice the rash which is great news, too, because the doctor said there's nothing that can really be given to put on it. So yay! No temp! No Itching! No sensitivity! Just a rambunctious kiddo.

After all of that some of you well worn mothers might be asking yourself why I called the doc up for that appointment. The rest of you are probably wondering how I slept at night when Elijah was so obviously on the brink of death! Like I said, he was acting totally normal, but I'm about to have a newborn. Newborns are very susceptible to getting sick, so I wanted to make sure we weren't looking at anything that could be harmful for Hendrix! The Doc said everything should be just fine for the babe when he comes and that it's nothing that can be harmful in utero. Praise God! I love our Pedi!

And for your viewing pleasure. Here's E on his Froggy Potty. :) He likes to sit on it right after bathtime. So here he is on his throne with his elegant robe...(which is actually an old Batman Forever Beach towel)

Look at me!

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