Monday, December 31, 2012


Look what I found in my drafts:

So I think my family is starting to finally get over being sick. These moments for us are so rare, in fact I think this is the first time something has struck almost all of us! Today is the first day somebody has not thrown up. Ugh. I'll spare you the gory details and just say that we've gone through multiple pairs of clothes and blankets and I think we're coming out of the darkness! And now I'm tackling the massive amounts of laundry...and dishes. I'll post soon about the boy's birthdays. :)
  -written 5/24/11

Teehee. I want to be more consistent with the blog, so no time like the present, right? Sickness. Holy Cow!! Like I said my family rarely goes through bouts of sickness, but I feel like at least one of my kids has been sick everyday since Thanksgiving! The throwing up! The fevers! The diarrhea! Uuugh. Its all been bounced around back and forth between the kids I watch and my children and the kids we play with and see socially. What a horrible season for sickness. (Sorry for the small pics.)

On a much grander scale it seems as though more serious illnesses are popping up at an alarming rate. Our prayers are full with thanksgiving for what we have and well-wishes for those we love who are ill or are hurting. This is a rough time for our family, honestly, and I think when we can focus our prayers on others and their needs it helps us keep our sights in the right place.

There's so much going on right now. There's so much I have swirling through my head, but the stories are either not mine to tell or are too broad to share right now. The nice thing about wanting to blog more is that I'll have that opportunity soon, right?? ;) One little story at a time, like the pensieve with it's bowl full of swirling mists, I'll pluck them all out and share them with you one by one. Aren't you excited?? lol.

And no Ryan. That was not a cackle.
