Monday, March 2, 2009

Yup...still waiting.

I have thankfully made it through the weekend without giving birth, so now that my doc is back I'm on the rampage again to induce labor. My first adventure? I got pulled over tonight on our way home from marriage group.

It's not really as bad as it sounds. :) Our right headlight had burned out, so that was his reason for pulling me over. The poor cop didn't really have a chance. Luckily, I left my purse in the trunk of the car, so I got to get out and show off my very rounded preggy belly. Then when I pulled my license out and showed him my brand new license, I'm sure he noticed that my birthday was YESTERDAY. On top of that, we didn't know the light was out, my oh-so-adorable kiddo was talking in the backseat at him, and as I got out of the car to get my purse, I'm sure he noticed my puppy pad. How can you give a woman who's so obviously close to labor with a miserable looking husband, a loud but cute toddler, and she just celebrated her bday, a ticket??? Answer? You can't. Off with a warning. :D

So, I'm going to try everything I know to try to get these contractions started. While I get started, do any of you have any advise of your own to achieve this goal??

1 comment:

Angie said...

Ryan's your best bet ;) I looked up various things when I was near the end with Chandler, and while some do work, it's because they're harmful to you or to the baby so your body goes into labor to save your baby from whatever... (like castor oil for example). Anyways, I'm praying for you...Come sweet Hendrix!!