Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Going back a little in time...

The last post I wrote was March 2nd and a lot has happened since then, so I thought I'd start at the beginning. Sort of...

Saturday, March 7th:

Ryan, Elijah, and I went over to our friends, Travis and Kit's, house to celebrate one of my very best friends, Erin's, birthday. Her mama, Penny, was there and we started talking about my going into labor. She told me that since my body was so ready for labor that I could get some contractions going, even if it wasn't true labor, and they could break my water and it would send me into labor for sure! As I'm sure you've already guessed, I jumped at the opportunity. :)

Sunday, March 8th:

So...what can I do to get some contractions going??? I know!!! I'll sing at church! Nothing like some good old fashioned adrenaline to jump start my uterus! I had previously decided to not get on stage for that very reason. Anyways, that helped a little bit.

We went and had Taco Bell for lunch with my family. That helped a little bit.

Went home and took a nap and Ryan contributed to the uterus contracting. ;) That helped, a lot!

We headed over to Mary Liz's for our routine Sunday night dinner. Ryan, Elijah , and I walked to the playground in her neighborhood and had some fun playtime! That 1 mile walk there and back was awesome! We made a new friend at the playground and her daddy said they were expecting again, too! They were pretty much just like us just 2 months behind. We had fun talking about the kiddos and comparing notes! :)

After we got home and put Elijah to sleep, I called the on-call nurse to see if I passed the test to go to the hospital. I got a call from Penny saying they had just called her and said they had me down to come in!! So, I passed! (In case I didn't mention this before, Penny is a L&D (Labor and Delivery) nurse there at Seton)

I called my Aunt, who came to stay with Elijah, and she was here in in a jiffy! Ryan and I finished up some last minute things (I washed dishes and Ryan updated my labor mix on the iPod.), we packed up or things in the car and we were off!! Yay!

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