Saturday, July 11, 2009

My Baby is 4 months old!!

I just can't believe it. 4 months. It feels like 2 weeks ago was when we brought our newest bundle of joy home from a sweltering hospital room!

Quick jump into the past:
(How cute is that, with his little thumb in his little mouth...)

My poor little Hendrix had a nasty bug bite on his rather bubbular foot so we made a quick trip to the pedi's office to make sure it wasn't anything to worry about like a brown recluse or a crocodile bite. $20 and 30 minutes later the doctor we saw (which I wasn't too impressed with and, thankfully, wasn't our normal doc) said it was an ant bite, but I didn't have to leave feeling like my time was completely wasted. I can now answer the number one question I get when it comes to H........................(drum roll, please).........................

He weighs a whopping 17 pounds and 2 ounces!!! My sweet little chunk. :D

Below's a video I took today...ahem...let me start over. Below's a ridiculously long video I took of him today. Let me explain first that he was exhibiting some movements a lot like those of a sumopotumus thinking about rolling over. I thought, foolishly, that maybe I could catch his first flip on video. I'm sure he had a good laugh about it later behind my back. "Ha! Did you see that woman? Pshhh! She so thought I was going to roll over for her while she was video taping me!! Like I would do that while she was looking!! Ha! Or even while she was in the same room for that matter!!! HAHAHAHA!!!"

Ryan was working on clearing some files off of an old laptop. The sort of chime-like noise that the word processor emitted sounded an awful lot like the noise that heralds the coming of a trash truck down the road. Obnoxious squeaking brakes. Thus explains why Elijah can be heard saying over and over and over and over again "Tra -ash Trunk!!". Now that I've mentioned all the spoilers, here's your feature presentation:

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