Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Sorry for the delay in writing. I've had some, um...ehem, issues to iron out. ;)

The boys continue to grow much to my adamant protesting. Elijah is a very unruly 2 year old who likes to constantly push the envelope. "How much can I push Mommy today and get away with it?" Punk.

Trip to Zilker with friends and family. Naughty's on the table...

Hendrix is my sweet little smiler. He's 15 weeks (3 months) old and getting nice and plump. He should be ready to pluck and stuff soon. ;) We've extended our feeding schedule this past week and I think he's liking it so far! Here are the stats:
  • Sleeps about 9 1/2 hours through the night.
  • Eats 5 times a day. Every 3 1/2 hours starting around 7:30 AM.
  • Takes about 3 naps a day averaging anywhere from 1 - 2 hours. We're still trying to figure out what's "normal" for his naps because we're out and about so much and, like I said, we're on a new schedule.
Hendrix is my smiler. I really can't say it enough. He laughs, like down-right giggles and belly laughs, already much to our enjoyment! Nobody can make him laugh like his Daddy can. That's a snapshot in my life I'll remember when I'm old and gray. (I have to upload my pictures! I'm low on options at the moment.)

Not that long ago...

Elijah continues to be a wonderful older brother with only occasional hand flapping of the babe. I know. Sounds weird, but there's really no other way to describe it. He gets his little hand fluttering like a baby bird trying to take flight and "flaps" little H on the cheek or back or arm... Punk.

This morning when I went to go get Elijah out of his room, he wrapped his little arms around me and ohhh...I almost started to cry. There really is nothing like it in the world. To feel your precious child intentionally wrap their tiny little arms around you and give you a fierce little hug, and if you're lucky a kiss, too. I sat him down on his changing table and gave him another squeeze and we just smiled at each other. I might be more then twice his size, but he sure knows how to bring me to my knees. Punk. ;)

Eskimo Kisses


Angie said...

I'm so glad I got to witness that beautiful smiler Sunday. He is a cutie, just like his brother!

Kim Pinksa said...

I love this picture of you two! Eskimo kisses are the best!