Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Metamorphasis

We spent last Tuesday afternoon with the Martins! It was great! We had lunch at Chic-Fil-A with Kyle, Heather, Benjamin, and little Alex. Of course, we had to sit at two separate tables because we have too many kids! ;) The boys all played great together. When we first arrived Elijah had so much fun watching 3 motorcycle policemen get on their bikes and ride off. I did a good job getting excited with him and smothering my animosity toward police officers.

Now for the good stuff.

After lunch we followed Heather to HEB and did some grocery shopping. We started off in the produce section and things were moving along quite well! I'll add that this was Heather's first time to the grocery store with boy of her boys! Go Mom! Anyways, I digress. We had stopped briefly to get something and I was coming around the cart from putting some type of produce in and I see a flash of orange exchange hands from Shooky to Elijah. Before I finished saying the sentence, "Don't put that in your mouth!!!" Elijah had given me his smirky look and taken a big bite. His face portrayed the look of, "Am I going to get away with my current bout of rebelliousness". Then, the metamorphosis began. His eyes get HUGE. Then his face just melted. He spit out the habenero in my hand and started screaming the 'I'm very hurt' cry. Mom's you know what I'm talking about. Luckily we had a little bit of milk left in Shooky's bottle which he downed in 0.0001 of a second. We were right by a soda fountain, so Heather filled up the bottle with water and he downs all of that in 2 seconds. Poor guy. We get to the dairy section and I grab some string cheese. After he finished that he joyfully exclaimed that his mouth didn't burn anymore. Phew. I also knew this to be true because he was instantly jabbering on about muffins and Spiderman or something else.

Lessons to be learned here: Don't take things off of the shelf; Don't take things from your brother; Don't eat things that aren't given to you by your parents or someone deemed ok by your parents; Always carry a bottle of milk with you while grocery shopping; ALWAYS OBEY MOMMY! Feel free to add anymore you can think of. ;)

The offending party.

This was totally the boys fault and I by no means am trying to put the blame off, but this leads me to ask...why do grocery stores put the hottest peppers closest to the ground??

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