Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sonogram News!!

I had my weekly appointment with my wonderful, amazing, fantastic doctor on Friday complete with sonogram! I'm at 37 weeks and they wanted to check little dude's weight. The sonographer said everything looked great! I had good fluid still, his bones were measuring well, I was measuring right on for my due date! She said that's something they don't see often. The verdict is 6 lbs. 10 oz. Makes me so, so very happy! :D

Here's a facial for you guys. The big ball on the right is his massive head! (She did say it was measuring BIG. She stopped being worried, though, when I told her all the babies in our family tend to run on the big-headed side. ;) He's lying on his left side. The dark hole is his eye socket and the darker splotch under that and to the left is his nose socket. The other side of his face is shadowed. His heart beat was resting at 128. Here's my baby!!!

Some sadder news is that Elijah still has that pesky rash. It looks just awful now, but it still doesn't seem to be bothering him. Pray that it will start to fade tomorrow, or I'm going to have to call the doc again. Ick.

My wonderful mother-in-law has graciously agreed to kidsit Elijah tomorrow so I can go to church. I was a little sad that I would have to miss church (so E wouldn't contaminate the other kids in the nursery) because it very well could be my last chance to go for awhile. But, thanks to Mary Lou, I'll get to go. Thank you, Mary Liz! You're the best and I love you so much, even if you couldn't watch Elijah!! :D

I'll have to post a blog soon detailing my complicated and extensive family tree. I'm so, so sorry to those of you who might not be familiar with either branch of my families. That blog will probably just tie your brain in knots.

So, I'm supposed to dish all my dirty little secrets on here, right? I have something to admit. I'm very happy about finishing a project tonight that I have been working on for the last week, but has been in the making for over a year! Ryan, being the worship leader at our church, has binders full of disorganized music that he uses and goes through on a weekly basis. I, being the huge, organize-loving, dork that I am, went through all of his music, resorted it, made sure it was in alphabetical order, catalogued each song on an excel sheet complete with all keys the song is available in, how many different versions of the song we have, and what binder it can be found in, and arranged all the hard copies in brand new, non-tattered, working binders! It was a massive undertaking, but immensely rewarding! Now. If only I can organize and clean my house that way...

Btw, I'm definitely nesting. More to come later!


Stacy said...

Hey, Meesh, lovin' being in on all your dirty little secrets! lol

Baby Hendrix sounds like he's gonna be another cutie. Couldn't quite tell who he takes after from that photo. ;-)

Good onya for taking on the monumental task of sorting out Ryan's music. You're no fool, but I do know most angels would fear to tread there ...

Angie said...

I once attempted to organize Chuck's sheet music when he lead worship, but gave up when it was all undone so quickly. You have greater organizing skills than me, girl!

And I'll be praying for your delivery of Hendrix - to be smooth and uncomplicated (wouldn't that be the same as "simple"?). Anyways, he is gorgeous and I can't wait to see him!! You're doing great...not much longer!!